
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Internet is down & Zoya polishes

Straight to the point, my Internet is not working properly and it's taking forever just to upload the photos for the giveaway. So...I'll try again later tonight or tomorrow (again) boo! I know right! Sorry about that. But on the other hand, guess what I got in the mail today?

My zoya polishes for the exchange. Woot woot!

Three boxes with 15 polishes. I think I'll be swatching these soon :) so there's a heads up for all of you who are zoya fans.

There you have it. Sorry about the photo quality. All I have is my phone for now. But I'm super stoked! Yay!

So, I promise to have the winner and those photos posted as soon as my Internet is up an running again. Thank God for iPhones =)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Great haul! I love Zoya polishes!

  2. I wish Zoya would do its exchange internationally, ie. to Australia also. Boo! :(

  3. goodness!!!yeah i really hope Zoya would do the Exchange internationally!!!so sad...
    i have so many used nail polish to be exchanged!!!

  4. Wow awesome haul!! Those colours look divine =) I wish they had done this internationally !!

  5. Looks like some great colors :o)

  6. What are the names going counter clockwise from the lower left silver bottle? Some of those pinks/melons look nice and I'd like to pick some up before the zoya recycle thing ends...

  7. Wow, those colours look gorgeous!
