
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Let's Go Lakers! Ready for Game 7 & Giveaway Update

So I haven't posted for a while and honestly, I've just been too lazy and no inspiration...but I am still here =)
First, about the's an update on it: It's still going. You have 3 more days to enter! I've added two of my fave stuff to my giveaway.. Nail Envy Nail Strengthener (which I like to use as a base coat) and Solar Oil Cuticle Oil.
Good luck!

And now for the fun stuff. Since tonight is Game 7 Lakers vs. Celtics, I thought it would be fun to show some team spirit! I love the color purple and Kobe is pretty hott ;).

The design on my thumb and ring finger was inspired from this youtube video. I used no name polishes from ICING for the purple and the yellow,  OPI Chop-Sticking to My Story for the basketball and Konad Image Plate m52 for the basket ball print and ball. I hope you enjoyed this!

♥, Kristine


  1. i know! yay lakers! game 7 really kept me at the edge of my seat! it was a great game!

  2. First off I want to say a BIG thanks for the sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet comment your wrote when you entered my giveaway. HOW SWEET. :)
    I just started using that Nail Envy base coat and I'm loving it. SO expensive though. :) I've never tried Solar Oil but have heard great things about it.
    Thanks again,

  3. Really cool :D I love Basket too x'D maybe I will do something in my nails like you ;D is a nice idea :D

    Kisses :D

  4. Thanks all!
    Susie, you're welcome ;) by the way, when I added Nail Envy and Solar Oil to my giveaway, I thought about you with the Nail Envy because you were the first one to comment about NE and mentioned how expensive it was so I wanted to be able to include it to the giveaway...its one less expensive thing the winner has to buy and I love the stuff. As for the Solar Oil, I love that too. its great for my dry cuticles.

  5. How sweet that you thought of me. :) I'm still getting nails that split and I don't know what would ever stop that but they are better since using Nail Envy.

  6. susie: i noticed that when I don't use nail envy and keep my nails bare for a few weeks and not do anything with them, they peel and chip. my nails are awful right now that's why i had to cut them short. They were peeling and dry (i admit, i was being lazy =P) but i need to get back into the regimen of taking care of my nails and using NE everyday.

    april & katrina: thank you. i had fun doing this mani (it was something different from my norm), I just wish i had the proper tools for them. ps, katrina, i never really comment your designs, but i DO love them all! =)

  7. I want to win
    lusizova (at)
