
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Zoya Swatches Part 1

Finally! I got around to swatching all of my zoya from the Zoya Exchage they had a few months ago. Kinda late, I know, but at least it's here. Here are 8 out of the 15 that I got from the exchange.
Aria - Rose color with gold glass flecked sparkle.

Beyonnce - I got this one because of it's name regardless the color. Gotta love Beyonce! A bright coppery/bronzy reddish pink color. It was a fun color to wear.
Alegra- A bright pink fuchsia with pink glitters.

Bridgit - Beige, skintone with slight shimmer. This was a subtle nude color on me. It looked clean, like fresh manicure.

Charla - A medium bluish green/ teal sparkle. Such a pretty color! Removing this one was a pain! You're left with blue fingers!

Ivanka - A green with blue flash glitter. I don't think green is great on me, but I really liked this color.

Kotori - A black base with blue micro-fine glitter. A dark dusty blue color. I love this!
Thanks for looking! Stay tuned for part 2 of this haul. 

♥, Kristine


  1. Alegra is my standard pedi polish, it's gorgeous! And I'm gonna add Aria to my wishlist :)

  2. Alegra and Aria could almost past as sisters. except for Aria is a little more of a softer pink. I love them both! I used them the most this summer. =)

  3. That beige color is so nice! Do they sell these in Hilo? :)

  4. tesia: it's a great nude type of polish. my auty wore this for her wedding last month. unfortunately, they don't sell this here. I had to get these online It's free shipping over $55 right now and free gift on orders over $30, $50, $100. =) Free shipping is always a good thing considering we're in hawaii!
